
“MANY to MANY”, “HERE and NOW”

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Subscription Tourism. Unprofitable tourism, do not pick up those who want it? Use the FRESH platform. Routes: Cricova cellars and museum, Mimi Castel – cellars and castle, Milestii Mici – the largest cellars, Orhei Vechi – unique landscapes. Monasteries: Hens, Hinku, Caprians. Open a subscription to FRESH. With a sufficient number of applicants, install “ACCESSIBLE”… Read more »

«Kitchen in the city district» = FRESH

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Founded by natives of Rocketbank Alexey Kolesnikov, Oleg Kozyrev, Kirill Rodin and Anton Lozin, co-founder of FoodSyuda aggregator, the service competes with the seemingly invincible giants of the delivery market – Yandex.Food and Delivery Club by Group and Sberbank.


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     If you have a boat, catamaran or jet ski, but it costs a lot to maintain them, put up your offer on FRESH and people who want to spend time on the water can rent them.


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Do not be afraid to try NEW. Quickly check your BUSINESS IDEA before you fall in love with it and spend all the money. When entrepreneurs begin to earn a little more, it becomes difficult for them to change their minds. When it seems to them that they understand the market and people, it means… Read more »

ANRE said it was illegal to include in the consumers’ accounts additional volumes of water in excess of their consumption on the meter, noting that such actions should be punished.

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In particular, the National Agency for Energy Regulation informs end consumers that, according to Law No. 322/30/11/2018, which entered into force on March 8, 2019 after publication in the Monitorul Oficial, provisions providing for an additional proportional distribution among unallocated apartments volumes of water recorded at the outlet of the total meter of a residential… Read more »

Efficient Platform for Sales SERVICES «FRESS»

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With the sale of goods, almost everything is clear: put your goods on AliExpress, EBay, Amazon or other Internet resources and trade. Quick product search, convenient payment, no delivery problems. With the sale of SERVICES is becoming more difficult. Unlike Goods, the SERVICE is often tied to the PLACE of the provision of the SERVICE…. Read more »

Increase sales at times & be OnLine «FREE ACCESS» Application

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Shops without a future: where and why do supermarkets go To date, sales, and now SERVICES in their traditional format, have no future. And, as in any process of evolution, an advantage is given to one who, before others, realizes the inevitability of change and begins to adapt to a new reality.