Heat: Control devices and adapters

Remote management of heat consumption.



       Manage of heat consumption. Household and office heat meters can be equipped with motorized valve. Installing the radio module D100 at the counter, equipped with such valve, allows not only to obtain the data, but also to control heat consumption. Also, the valve can block the coolant when the signal of an additional leaking sensor installed or blocked by the operator by the request of the owner in case of emergency situations such as flooding or a constant consumption of heat in the absence of the owner.



       The radio module can be equipped with D100FC Adapter AD 3/100 to control the motorized valve with remote opening and closing. Adapter allows you to control the valve with connection diameters DN15, DN20, DN25, operating voltage control circuit 1.5 – 2.5 volts and with current consumption up to 50 mA.

Using valve with operating voltage of 1.5 – 2.5 volts and the adapter AD3/100 eliminates the external power supply or 220V AC voltage and used as a power source battery of radio module.

       The adapter can support up to two motorized valves in parallel with the consumed current of each no more then 50 mA.


Water valve Wiring Diagram (2 Wire Control)




Two way motorized valve
Rated voltage valve for battery DC 3,0 – 3.6V supply power

Test voltage valve DC 1,5 – 3.0V supply power
Working pressure: 0 -10bar
Temprature:0 – 100 degree celsius
Working current 50 mA (100 mA)
Open/close time ≤ 5 – 9S
Valve Body material – Brass
Manual override – No
Indicator – NO
CR2 01 Wiring Diagram (2 wires control  with embedded off current control circuit – see  picture)
cable length : 0.5 meter
Product life: 100,000 times
Protection class:IP65


       The radio module D100, complete with valve control adapter allows the operator with appropriate permissions to remotely disable the consumption of heat in case of emergencies – such as leaks, or in the case of non-payment of bills for consumed heat. The valve turn ON only in the presence of the wearer. Defaulters can be transferred to the regime of pre-payment for heat consumption. It is a good alternative to prepaid counters.

       Also, this design can be used as limit consumption of heat during the day with specify of consumption amount, or as dispenser – such as for warmer from one to three times per day with specify of heat amount.