
Increase sales at times & be OnLine «FREE ACCESS» Application

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Shops without a future: where and why do supermarkets go To date, sales, and now SERVICES in their traditional format, have no future. And, as in any process of evolution, an advantage is given to one who, before others, realizes the inevitability of change and begins to adapt to a new reality.

BALANCE mobile

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BALANCE mobile is a simple and effective solution for intelligent data reading of energy resources in your home. The mobile app has the same functionality as the BALANCE web app but is targeted and optimized for mobile devices. If you have the remote recorder system installed by DJV-COM. you can use BALANCE mobile to access… Read more »

Energy vampires

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Standby energy, or phantom load, refers to the energy consumption of appliances left idle or on standby. In addition to leaving the lights on in an empty room or falling asleep with the TV on, other examples of similar “energy vampire” include leaving a laptop plugged in and leaving a WiFi router plugged in overnight… Read more »

Vodokanal Road Map

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When there is no money for the modernization of distribution networks, but there are large losses of energy resources, we convert the losses into live money.

Smart Metering-as-a-Service («SMaaS»)

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The outsourcing of physical and operational aspects of a smart metering system to third parties, a model known as managed services, has been growing in popularity over the past decade. At the most basic level, managed services can be Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), in which software applications that support advanced metering infrastructure BALANCE (AMI) are cloud hosted… Read more »

Operational costs in the separate expense item

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The left diagram shows the payment of gas, water, electricity and heat in the absence of meters. At the same time, operating costs are about 30%. When installing meters, the average consumption drops by about half, see the diagram in the center, respectively, the service organization will receive only half of the funds necessary to… Read more »